Our Story

We believe Yoga is for everyBody! and we practice body, mind and heart (holistic) Yoga, Wellness & community, on and off the mat.

A holistic Yoga practice

Yoga is a science with the goal to unite body, mind and soul.
Ashtanga Yoga is an eight step science from the Vedas.
Hatha is the precursor or preparation for Ashtanga Yoga.
Vinyasa means to place in a special way, synchronizing breath to movement in Ashtanga Yoga.

The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, written approximately 200 AD, define Yoga as yogas chitta vritti nirodhah

"Yoga is the removal of the fluctuations of the mind"

And it describes the eight steps of Yoga practice as

1. Yama: Guidance relating to others
2. Niyama: Personal guidance
3. Asanas: Body postures, the physical practice
4. Pranayama: Breathing exercises
5. Pratyahara: Removal of the senses, cultivating inner awareness
6. Dharana: Concentration
7. Dhyana: Devotional Meditation
8. Samadhi: Removal of ignorances (Avidya) & suffering (Dukkha), and Union with the Divine

We are committed to these steps, incorporating techniques from the first six to provide a holistic Yoga practice.

Our Yoga group class offerings are Hatha & Ashtanga Yoga lineage and include recent approaches of Yoga such as Restorative, Kundalini and Prenatal.
We also offer personalized guidance in One on One and Mentorships.
Yoga with us!
We incorporate breathing exercises that connect us to our bodies and the present moment, throughout Asana and Meditation practices.
Seated or lying down, focusing and visualization techniques to relax and revitalize.